Conditions for reuse of Numistral documents

Numistral documents are copyright free. Anyone can reuse them as they wish, provided they comply with the conditions below:

Documents from the French national library (BnF) collections are labelled as follows: “Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France”. Their reuse is regulated by law n°78-753 of 17th July 1978. The non-commercial reuse of this content is free of charge, provided that the legislation in force is repected and the source is mentionned. Commercial reuse of this content is subject to a fee and a licence (terms of use) in accordance with current legislation (more information).

Numistral also contains reproductions of documents held by other partner libraries and organisations. These documents are labelled as follows: “Bibliothèque municipale de ... (or other partner)”. For information about the conditions for reuse of these documents, you may enquire directly with these libraries.

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