Legal Collections
The University of Strasbourg library and the National and University Library hold legal collections are both rich and alike.
This collection has been constituted since 1872 as the Juritisches Seminar zu Strassburg collection, the Juritisches Seminar being the Law department in the German Imperial University - the Kaiser-Wilhelms-Universität Strassburg - and post World War I in the
now french University of Strasbourg.
Within the National and University Library collections is the Leopold Auguste Warnkoenig archival funds, an important archival funds regarding the history of european legal thought and relations between French and German jurists in the 19th century. This collection was entirely digitized in 2012 and is a primordial source about the birth of the first legal scientific periodical, Themis ou bibliothèque du jurisconsulte.
the collections
Sciences juridiques
Fonds Warnkoenig